see how 

Convert Inquisitive Website Visitors into Leads and Customers

Use quizzes to build and segment your marketing lists. Quizzes are very effective ways to capture vital information about your audience, quality leads, and accelerate the buyers journey.


Quizzes Are Viral Lead Magnets

Not only do people like to take quizzes… they also love to share them. According to Buzzsumo the average quiz gets shared 1,900 times! User-Generated shares of the quiz and or their results can be marketing gold for your business.

And we make it super simple to share!

quiz time!

Avoid the Bland... And Gain Valuable Insights in the Process

Quizzes appeal to many website visitors because they are fun, but also help the visitor learn something about themselves.

A simple but well-defined interactive quiz also helps your business learn something about the quiz taker too, and you can use this segmentation to build effective email and SMS marketing campaigns to nurture them to become customers.

Done For You Quizzes For Just About Any Business

Almost any type of businesscan benefit from having a quiz as a lead magnet to build their marketing lists. 

With Quiz List IQ, our team can create and customize quizzes by goal and industry.



Leverage the Power of Personalized Communications

The information you learn from the people who takes your quiz give you the ability to customize and personalize your email or SMS nurture campaigns. You can send the right message to the right person at the right time, but only if you’ve built a quality, segmented list.

When you look at the viral sharing features of quizzes as well as the information you gain from the people who take the quiz to create personalized nurture campaigns, adding a quiz as a lead magnet just makes sense.

Ken Tucker
Marketing Solutions Architect, Changescape Web

Let Our Quizzes Grow Your Lists and Help You Create Better Nurture Campaigns

It can be hard to build a list.  By using a fun and engaging lead magnet like a quiz that allows you to learn more about potential customers, you have the ability to convert those leads into sales FAST.

Get a Viral Quiz Lead Magnet System for only $300/month

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